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 Today Ferguson got his teeth cleaned 🦷. He had 3 teeth that were unhealthy. They were extracted and now he has a less sore mouth that is much better for his heart.

My public service announcement is that if you have your pet’s teeth cleaned regularly it keeps them with a less painful mouth. They can’t complain about how their mouth feels. If they have bad breath, something is wrong.

Now Ferguson and Penny have nice clean breath and a healthy mouth. Jiminy will be next year most likely.

Ferguson enjoyed his drugs. I kept a close eye on him as he recovered from anesthesia. My beautiful grey faced old man snored and rested wrapped up in blankets on the couch. He was warm, cozy and I could watch his every move.

We spent the evening with our in-laws celebrating Paul’s birthday. We had a wonderful meal and desserts.  We enjoyed the company and Paul was even able to help them a bit with a few things around the house which makes his heart happy.

I gave Ferguson his pain medication before bed with his softened meal. Ferguson HATES his one pain medication. It is liquid and does not taste good. Ferguson is a champ though and will do as he told.

 He also hates his food softened. I tried to make it taste better with soy sauce. He still only ate a small portion of it. I will try again in the morning. Poor dude. At least he won’t be able to do as much damage when he bites people. Sigh…..chihuahuas. So protective and such jerks. I love them so much. I wish it was socially acceptable to act like they do.


  1. Wouldn't that be fun! I love the anesthesia face..

  2. Oh my goodness. I just love him so much! Keep those chompers healthy for when John walks by.


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