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 We had Ethan’s nephrology appointment today. This is still with NYC and their transplant group. Transferring is a lot of work.  I need to commit to completing all the tasks to move forward.

I realized today that I over committed myself in February. I am bummed I made that mistake but will ultimately have to own up to my mistake. It shouldn’t be too bad but I don’t like letting people down.

Avery was so helpful today. She ran an errand for me and it was super helpful. I love how much she spoils me by helping out. I will miss her.

I am getting closer to starting my second job. It is at the local emergency clinic. It will be an overnight shift. We will see how I can juggle it. I completed most of my paperwork today. The cool thing is, I show up, be a vet tech and then leave. I don’t have any responsibility other than getting my job done.

One thing I was thankful for today was that it was snowing. The sky was dropping large intricate flakes and they were slowly floating down to earth. It was so pretty to watch as it got darker and darker. It’s better than dirty muddy grass!
