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 I was feeling kinda of blah this morning. I was annoyed by things that I probably shouldn’t have been annoyed by. It was one of those mornings that I wanted to be left alone so I wouldn’t hurt anyone’s feelings by being a jerk. But I just wanted to be a jerk. I wanted to have my pissy thoughts and wallow in them.

I was thinking about my Dad who passed away on this day in 1995. I always wondered how he would have bonded with the kids, what he would look like now? I do think he keeps an eye on us and does what he can to keep us safe. He has his work cut out for him with Ethan.

 I had a check up for my diverticulitis with my doctor. I planned it so I would have plenty of time to arrive and get to my appointment. I even stopped at the bank first. Wow! I was really checking things off my list.

When I looked at where the appointment was, I read the address wrong and ended up at the wrong location. They told me I was at the wrong location at check in. Horrified, I called the office and let them know I was going to be late, and if it was ok that I still arrived. I had to wait a couple of weeks for this appointment so I was pissed at myself for making a stupid mistake.

I was also pissed because I was becoming the person I despised when I worked in the animal hospital. The people that just came in late and threw off the entire schedule for the day. It would cause us to have shortened lunches, leave late….sometimes miss things going on with the kids.

I profusely apologized and gave them the option to reschedule the appointment because I was late. I offered to just pay for it and wanted to make sure this wasn’t going to totally screw up their day.

I did think the appointment was going to be quick. I needed assurance I was doing the right things. I wanted to voice concern about my worry about chronic inflammation and wanted them to tell me that I was just worrying and it was going to be ok. 

They did say that I had “complicated” diverticulitis that I was healing from, so it wasn’t unusual to take time to heal. That made me feel better as I am always aware of the “pain”. I say pain but it isn’t really pain, just annoyance. I really feel like my pain tolerance is so high though that maybe it is pain and I just am perceiving it differently. This coming from the person that broke their elbow and just kept working for a few days before taking an X-ray.

The plan was to repeat lab work to see if I have a nagging infection. When I left my appointment, I told the doctor and receptionist that I was going right to the lab. They stood there and watched me scan in the QR code for the closest lab.

I drove about 20 minutes to get to the lab. When I was called up, the lady at the window said that I didn’t have any labs in the system. I called and was on hold for a bit before they told me that they hadn’t gotten a chance to send them over yet. Ugh!

Because I had meetings scheduled that I couldn’t miss, I googled the labs in my area and found one open until 5 pm. Perfect. I went to the lab and when I walked in at 4:08, it was closed down tight. Ugh!!!!!!! I guess I have to wait until tomorrow.

Avery and I went to the store. We picked up some items needed for her to go back to school. One was the “rose colored” Reese’s valentines hearts. Only because when they are upside down they could potentially look dirty if you live in my brain. It made me chuckle, so we had to buy them. Someone at Reese’s just punked so many people.

I normally don’t buy candy, but stumbled upon Jelly beans for Valentine’s Day. What? So early? So those were accidentally in my cart too. 

Since I was super annoyed today, I thought of things I was thankful for. I am thankful that Avery has been home from school for so long. She heads back tomorrow. I am thankful that while I had a set back trying to get blood, at least I have a job that allows me the time to get that done without using PTO. It really helps change the mindset.
