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 The sun was out today!!!!!! Yay!!!! Sunshine is good for the soul.

My stomach has been in knots about this new part time gig I am starting. I have never worked in emergency medicine. Today I did a fasting to reset my gut. My gut gets cranky when I am anxious. I wonder where Avery gets her ball of nerves?

My shift is 6 pm to 6 am. I am a morning person, so this could get interesting at about 8 pm….when I normally skip happily off to bed. I have a plan for a sleeping schedule.

My worry is mostly that I won’t know the drug calculations, I don’t know how to do certain things…but mostly that I just don’t know. I like to know. I like to master things. I won’t know things and I don’t like that. 

I chose to do this for a couple reasons. One is to learn. This is a growth project I have chosen. This is a networking project. This is pushing me outside of my comfort zone. This is to entertain my brain and sharpen my skill set which is rusty, since I have been out of clinic for a year and a half. Plus, my favorite thing about it is that I get to be part of something that will benefit the community. We need this in Rochester.

I am excited for the cases that we will see.  I do like the thought of helping someone when they are having a seriously difficult time. Let’s face it, they don’t take their pet to the emergency vet, in the middle of the night, because they are healthy and thriving. People are at their worst in these moments. I am looking forward to watching this emergency clinic grow. I look forward to the drama of ironing out the kinks along the way. 

My stomach might be in knots because of all the extra work I just stepped into at my real job. It is a lot of front work to take on a new territory. There are new faces to learn, creating outreach for 30 + hospitals. Learning about 30 + hospitals enough to rattle them off quickly. No wonder my gut is revolting. The funny part is, that is the only part of me that is out of sorts.

The good news is that this next week might be tough, but it will come and then go. A day is only 24 hours and then I can start over again. I have tried to plan as little as possible to be able to rest when I need to.

I can’t believe that Ethan is turning 21 on Sunday. Woah! How did that happen. I still only look 25 myself.

Ethan has no interest in alcohol. The drug withdrawals for months on end were enough to ruin his outlook on drugs/ alcohol that can cause dependency. He has plans with his buddy, to celebrate, just not with alcohol. It should be fun!


  1. You will be fine at the emergency clinic Patti. You have a wealth of knowledge and you learn quickly. You definitely have a challenge with the new territory but like you said 24hours and then reset. Keep friends and family close and...OMG 21years old Ethan!!!


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