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 Phew! Today was long. I played catch up for work, before and after work. I know this will improve over the next week or so, but it is just a long day.

I did notice the sun peaking out. The snow flakes were large, like big spider webs falling from the sky. So pretty. It made me think of Avery. Then she texted me. We were sub consciously connecting….OR it was coincidence.

I cranked up the fire and snuggled in the house to stay warm and cozy. I also made some soup for myself and pork with stuffing for the boys. I did eat some of it to evaluate my cooking. It passed. I liked it.

Ethan seems to be settling in at his job. He likes it. He has bought more tools to prepare for tasks at work. He was excited because some car parts he has been eagerly awaiting arrived today! He excitedly unwrapped them. He requested to watch TV tonight. I loved it. I just kept working away on my computer.

Paul was recently promoted to a new position. He went from being employed by a contract company to Stellantis (Chrysler). His job didn’t change too much. He now does have added responsibilities. He is onboarding this week. He is happy with the change. Yay Paul!

Jiminy has bonded with Ethan! He is always following Ethan around and snuggling with him. Jiminy sleeps with Ethan every night. Animals offer so much companionship and love.
