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 Happy Valentine’s Day! Yup, those are testicles. Vet med humor!

Today I called the state to find out about Ethan’s Medicaid/Medicare coverage and if he was going to lose coverage because he has a new job.

They needed to get Ethan’s consent to talk to me, twice! The same guy made Ethan go through his information with social security number, address etc! TWICE! Then when we finally went to ask the question about what would happen to his coverage. The response was that he couldn’t help me with that. We had to sign up for a phone call from someone to call me to ask that question too. We should receive that phone call within the next 7 days.

We got this number off of Ethan’s SSI paperwork for the government’s chose to work program. If he loses coverage, his work plan is terrible. 

My patience was out the window by the end of that call. Basically I had to use Ethan as a puppet and tell him the information to ask. I just don’t understand why this needs to be? Ethan gave permission for them to talk to me TWICE! So we played by the stupid rules. We had it on speaker phone. I would ask the question, Ethan would repeat the question, even though the guy could hear me. I was NOT lowering my voice at all.

I made a valentines dinner for Paul and go him a card and box of his favorite wine. He was late getting home. He ate a cold dinner. We then spent the evening filling out his tax documents for onboarding. It was a real way to make a gal feel special. Ha ha

Avery is still weighing her options for which research project she wants to participate with this summer. She has to make a decision and fill out the paperwork by next week. We talked about the pro’s and cons of each choice. I am excited to see what she chooses to do.

My gratefulness for today was that I had time to take Penny for a walk. I got to be out in the warm sunshine. I bundled her up really good. She really seemed to love it. After Ferguson went the other day, he seemed sore. Today Ferguson would have been a pup-cycle!


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