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Ethan had texted me and was angry about how much tax was taken out of his paycheck. This is his first adult, full-time job. I remember so clearly when I had these exact feelings after I got my adult real, full-time job. I was pissed. We bonded over this chat. 

I shared with him that my coping skill was just not to look at that portion of my paystub. It can get overwhelming and cause anger about the people that are abusing the system. I am all for helping those that need it. But it does puss me off when I know some people are abusing it.

I feel all adults go through this realization and anger about it when they start their adult full time jobs. I know Paul and I did when we first started out. I can remember us venting about it to one another. When going through this stage of life, I just wanted to feel validated in my anger. That was the approach I took while talking to Ethan.

Then, because our phones are always listening, this popped up in one of my social media feeds! I shared it with Ethan and we were laughing and commenting on how perfect it was. 

Sometimes you just have to laugh. Humor can really release some endorphins (secreted by the pituitary gland) in the brain and help to reduce anger and replace it with feel good chemicals. That pituitary gland is mighty important. You can also release endorphins with exercise….but who enjoys that?

 Avery decided on her research project for this summer. She will be doing research on how magnets are used to filter e-coli and other things from water. 

It is an 8 week research project and she gets to stay on campus for free. She will be compensated for her time. She is trying to decide if she wants to live on campus or commute. She would be in charge of her meals (dining hall is closed) and would be able to come home when she wants. She does suspect she would have a room mate. She’s a great little cook, so no worries there.

Ethan, Liam and I went to go check out his storage unit as he prepares to vacate his house. I spent the majority of the day continuing to organize, donate and do a good heave-ho on some things in his new “room”.

I cleared out the spiderwebs, dust and even scrubbed the walls. I power vacuumed and got it up to standards in which I would feel comfortable sleeping down there. Phew, my back hurts.

We are going through the steps of adding a light switch down there so that Liam doesn’t have to walk down there in the dark.

We are keeping busy around here, that’s for sure.
