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 The weather was inviting today. I took a stroll around the yard mid morning. I have bulbs coming up. I took a moment to close my eyes and use my other senses to “see” the outdoors. I could hear the neighbors chickens cockle-doodle-dooing in the distance. I felt the wind in my hair and heard the birds singing their mating calls to one another. It smelled fresh. It was peaceful.

I think everyone in our house is glad it is Friday. I was exhausted this morning. How does that happen? I woke up tired and kind of dumb-ish. I was running slow for sure. Not even coffee helped.

Paul needed me to take a picture of him for work. He needed a head shot on a neutral background. I told him I had one already and would text it to him to submit. He thought this was great news. Of course he should know better. This is the picture I found and sent.  This made Paul laugh. Ethan also chuckled.

Avery is trying to decide what research project she is going to work on over the summer. She has a couple choices. She wants to narrow it down.

I am ready to sleep the night away.  That would be great. I don’t like waking up tired. It is my own fault and I know this ha ha. I just like to complain about it.
