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 Today was a lazy day. I slept in, had my coffee, sat on the couch with Paul, which we haven’t done in a while. I sent him funny videos and watched him react to them. He was making me laugh so hard. 

I did little piddly things around the house and put in a few hours of work. I do have to work tonight at the ER, so I wanted to get my work done for my meetings tomorrow morning. Plus I will be catching up on sleep off and on throughout the day.

I do like to hopefully make a positive difference in their stay. No one likes to be sick, but animals just don’t understand what is going on. If I can offer them an extra walk, pets, blanket, or bring a sense of calmness to their healing process, that makes me feel good. If I can give them a massage or belly rub and tell them how beautiful they are, I am all in.

I took a nap today in preparation of my all nighter. It cuts Sundays short, but I thank myself for it later.

When I got to the ER, it was evident that there was a full moon. It was crazy. All the animals were cooperative with great personalities.  That was helpful. I also just love old animals. They are the best. 
