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 Today went much better than yesterday, but it sure was busy. Paul worked on getting the document we needed for our insurance dilemma. He emailed it to me. In the first paragraph I was named “Patricia”…in the second paragraph I was named “Linda”. Hmmmm. Looks like that copy past didn’t go well.

I called Paul. When he answered I said “sooooooo….who is Linda?” He was all pissed because he had to reach out and request yet another letter.

I also had to call about Ethan’s kidney referral, again. Good thing he isn’t having an urgent matter. No one called me back today. 😩

I am tired due to Paul sawing wood last night. He was brag snoring. “Look at all the good sleep I am getting” he said with each thunderous snore.

Tonight Penny felt that she should sleep in the bed with us. She is such a mole in the bed. Twisting and turning all over. She was so excited though. I couldn’t crush her dreams and say “No”.

One step closer to the weekend.
