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 Transferring Ethan’s kidney care to Rochester is one frustrating roadblock after another. It has been a huge game of phone tag. Trying to collect documents. Rochester seems like they don’t have their act together and this is frightening as we place our trust in a team that we already can’t trust. This process has been going on since the fall and I can’t even fathom why it has taken 6 months to coordinate an appointment. Actually we don’t even have an appointment.

I am sick of this week. It has been frustrating and I give it two thumbs down. It seems like nothing has been easy this week. It is punishment for going on vacation. I am glad tomorrow is Friday.

This evening I announced to Paul that I hated this week and I was going to have a drink. He pointed out a few good things that happened and told me to look at the glass half full. 

“Fine. I will! My glass is HALF FULL of tequila!” And it was (mixed with some lime and a few other things).

It is Sarah’s birthday today. Tomorrow we are going out to dinner and spending the night at a hotel. My cheeks will hurt (the ones on my face) by Saturday morning. Laughter therapy is needed. Happy birthday Sarah…but you are the one giving me a gift. ❤️

Looking for something positive: Jiminy was helping me work today by napping by my side. I loved it.
