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 I have two families of cardinals that visit my bird feeders. I love watching them. The men are so bright red, the ladies with their pretty little orange beaks, not nearly as vibrant as their male counterparts but they don’t need to be as flashy as the men.

I received so many phone calls today. I felt like a telephone operator. Received calls from 3 doctors offices and twice from the pharmacy. We finally got an appointment with a hematologist. Yay! We had our weekly collections call. Yup…still on-going.

We had a nice visit from Nana and Papa with a quick bite to eat at a local restaurant. I had to leave early because I had interviews to do. Boo! Lunch was yummy though.

I went to the pharmacy and they had 4 prescriptions ready but there were supposed to be 5. I had to send an email to Ethan’s doctor. She said she was going to fill it yesterday but I guess that didn’t happen. I am hoping she this was done today. Minor set back. No big deal.

Today I am in a better headspace. I hope it continues for a while. Sometimes we just need a minute to freak out. 
