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For the most part last night went well. I do have a few work buddies. One is this lady that is about the same age as me. She calls us “the old ladies” and is constantly saying “look at us two old ladies running circles around these guys!” She makes me laugh.

I have a guy that I work with. We work well together. We are both somewhat ADD and can’t focus on one fast at a time, but we seem to get the work done. We work well as a team. I like my Sunday night crew. We had some precious patients. From puppies to old kitties. Crabby to happy. Of course I gravitate to the crabby ones.

We did have one animal code. I played my role well. However, it sort of was organized the same way that Ethan’s code was. Everyone came running, we quickly organized compressions, timed drugs given, with the haunting vacancy of the fixed pupils. We worked as a well oiled machine. The patient didn’t survive. There is a lot of death. 

I am glad that we are there to help. While I don’t enjoy animals sick and dying, I am glad people don’t have to wait and let their pets suffer. Plus, going through having to euthanize a pet is traumatic, if I can help it be just a little less awful, I can feel good about that.

I got home around 7:00. My first meeting was at 10:00. I did 2 plus hour nap and then had to present at 6 meetings…typical Monday. 

I actually didn’t feel tired after I woke up. I did run a bit dumb, but luckily I only demonstrated it in front of only a few coworkers….ha! They have been warned and are forgiving of my situation on these Mondays.

Ethan went to the lab by himself. He has been really trying to flush himself. He gets frustrated because when he drinks a lot, it kills his appetite.

He has been worrying about everything he has eaten in the last 5 days. He has eaten MUCH less just so his numbers look better. Not ideal, but he is trying to avoid a biopsy.

His potassium was beautiful! No sudden cardiac arrest today! I shake my head at the ridiculousness of the fear that causes. 

His GFR came up. The GFR measures the blood that passes through the filters in the kidney. A great GFR is above 90. Ethan’s goal is 90 but he is typically in the 70’s or 80’s. Last was Ethan was at 58. Dialysis is needed around 10 or less. Today Ethan had a GFR of 60. Yay! It isn’t a huge step but it is a step in the right direction.

Of course these values need to be evaluated by a specialist with years of schooling and experience. His other values were the same or slightly improved.

To me that says that the increased drinking is working. Ethan was disappointed that his numbers were significantly improved. I told him that these things take time and consistency is the key. 

We just have to wait until Wednesday morning for further direction and review. We didn’t get a call today and said he was at risk for a heart attack. So….total win!

Ethan’s platelets are dropping a little. He has an appointment with a hematologist. My guess is his rejection meds. They are known for doing that. His goal is 150K/ul. He has slipped to 144.  Seems a little scary…but at one point he was down to 32. So I am not overly concerned nor worried about this.

They did adjust his rejection medication. I am bracing myself for him to get mouth sores and canker sores. He has had those in the past. 

I am not overly careful of the things I make or buy. I have gotten lazy and needed a reminder to be the responsible adult. It was a needed reminder. Everything needs to be in moderation. I did start planning my meal prep for while we are away to include less potassium filled food.

So that is my interpretation of the bloodwork. We will find out Wednesday what the real interpretation is.

I am off for a multiple hours of slumber and catch up slumber.
