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I woke up early and went straight to work. 4:30 am. Luckily it was in my livingroom. I needed to fill my schedule for the rest of the week. After Friday, I won’t be interviewing for a week. My plan is to send as many candidates to the clinics as I can so they at least have people they are working with while I am gone.

I tried to turn on the new Elisabeth Moss show, the Veil, but I can’t access it until tomorrow. I really like her and her expressions. She can be so beautiful, but bad ass, but also so pissy.

I packed up Paul’s carry on with snacks. This was to satisfy my own anxiety. Paul satisfied his own anxiety by purchasing a huge mound of mulch. He wants to put a bunch of mulch down before we leave.

I went to the eye doctor today. I have a slight blurriness. I notice it most when watching tv. We just switched insurances. I was certain that we had vision insurance, but the lady said no.

I told her that I wasn’t sure why she couldn’t find it, but that I would go home and find my paperwork and go from there. She kept looking and digging. While I was trying on glasses. I haven’t worn glasses in almost 20 years. 

They had a pricing list so I was trying to be price conscious and find something that wouldn’t make me look dumb….however, my plan is to wear them watching tv at this point.

She found my insurance information. Yay! Turns out our plan is decent. They actually owed me money back as the glasses were covered. Yay! I was glad that she kept looking. Some people would have quit, but she didn’t! It was an issue with the spelling of our last name. Of course! Her hard work made a positive difference in my life. It also saved me from having to look for the paperwork. Woo hoo!

Overall, I call today a win!


  1. D-DOUBLE I - ulio!!
    and I know someone else that can be described as "beautiful, but bad ass, but also so pissy" and so ROCKS!


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