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 I was reflecting on where I am at and what I have learned. I am not sure why, but I did it anyway. These are the conclusions that I came up with:

Every obstacle can become an opportunity is some way. The trick is, to find the opportunity.

Learn the difference between “me” problems (problems you can control) and “them” problems (problems someone else controls). It will make it easier to deal with if you can easily identify and assign the problem.

Trust the process. Life has a funny way of working out and delivering you the appropriate life gifts. If you are a crappy person, you will get dealt a crappy hand. If you are half way decent, life will put glorious things along your path. 

Life can throw you some pretty terrible things. You can always learn something. Whether good or bad, there is something you can take away.

Avery and I play this little game. When one of us starts complaining, the other will say, “Now you have to point out something positive”.  It is a way to call attention to the complaining, but also re-route the train of thought. We tried to get Ethan involved but his responses weren’t always following those guidelines, however, they were funny and it would break up the complaints with a laugh. Paul acts the same way. Hmmmm…wonder where Ethan get’s it from?


  1. reframing and finding a silver lining is so important.
    and sometimes waiting a little while and see if that problem, issue, bad thought, etc. etc. is still that bad. sometimes just getting past the moment helps immensely.


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