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 Ethan and I had a good chat today. He was trying to make connections about how he acts and why he does what he does or why the thinks how he thinks. I feel like this is a step in the right direction.

We also chatted about the difficult transition from your teens to an adult. It is hard enough. Pile on what Ethan went through, the medical appointments, testing and then friends moving forward while he is stuck, of course it has been hard.

I try to approach him with respect for everything he went through, grace to heal and empathy. Some days are harder than others for me. I want him to be doing certain things. In reality, it’s not for me to decide. What I am glad about is that I am seeing growth and this warms my heart.

Ethan filled out paperwork to attend the driving school to help him get a CDL. We stumbled across the question…”Do you have epilepsy?” Well crap! He answered truthfully. But it may affect on if they move forward with him.  I never even thought of his stupid seizures because of the damn stroke.

He took it in stride though. He is going to leave it up to life to decide for him. They will either accept him or they won’t. It was the ultimate act of acceptance.
