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We went to dialysis first thing this morning. 5:30 am in fact.  Why you ask? Because we have been working all week to get ourselves checked out of rehab.  Everyone has agreed Ethan is ready. He has passed all the tests and has proven again that his determination has been successful. 

We have known all week this was our plan. We were like little hens all week clucking about our excitement. 

Last night as I lay awake AGAIN listening to the roommate as well as he was pushing the nurse button every 5 minutes. He pooped his diaper. Lights on. Toxic noxious smells. Having to ask to have the garbage taken out because that just isn’t common sense.

I had visions of fecal particles raining down on us. I can confidently say that I got more sleep when my kids were newborns. I knew I was not even going to miss it a little bit.

We have all of our appointments set up for next week.  The only glitch we had was finding a pediatric nephrologist. We could have left Thursday but we had to stay for dialysis. The soonest we could get in was Tuesday in Rochester with the nephrologist. So unfortunately, after much discussion, we decided to head home knowing that we will head back Sunday evening for dialysis in NJ on Monday. Then we will be home for good.

With road block after road block, and much coordinating this was the best possible solution that fit our needs and the safest for Ethan.

I ubered to rent a car in Newark while Ethan was at dialysis at 5:30 am.  We planned for an early discharge at 9am. We plan to get on the road and back to Rochester just in time for me to get my first covid vaccine. I set this appointment up earlier in the week as well. One thing I am good at is planning.

We had a leisurely drive home. We pulled in the driveway and our yard looked so nice. All the flowers were blooming. Paul had mulched and made it all pretty. 

We showed up and aggressively rang the doorbell. Avery was scared and didn’t answer the door so I texted her to answer the door. She opened the door and poof! There we were!  

I stole Avery and drove to get my covid vaccine. She listened to me vent. We had Avery text Jesney and invite her over for dinner.  

Paul came home and from the driveway called her to ask about the strange vehicle in the driveway. She said she had no idea. Paul came walking into the house. He saw Ethan on the couch. His brain had trouble for a minute processing who it was. Then I popped out around the corner and said hello.

When Jesney arrived, Avery had her come into the living room. She was shocked. Then Ethan gave her a promposal. She said yes.

I got to hang out with Ferguson and Avery.

A highlight of today is that we didn’t have to wear our masks in the car. Wow! This is a hard adjustment. I am so conditioned to wearing a mask ALL the time, I have been putting it on at home without thinking. Worrying where I left it. I put it on as I left the house to return the rental car. It is so nice not to wear it. It will be nice to be able to sit on the couch without it on.... or eat without having to pull it on when someone walks in the room.

Even though we have to head back on Sunday, we are close to beginning the next chapter. It feels so good to be home. I can’t wait to go to bed in a bed. Tonight we are on our own with medications. I am a pro. We are setting an alarm for the 1:00 am medication. I am going to bed now! I am tired! 



  2. omg who’s that cutie next to ethan?

  3. I'm so excited!!!


    Best news in a long time...


  4. Woweeeeeeee
    What a fabulous surprise !!
    Never know what you guys are up to But Man oh Man...
    This is HUGE!!!
    You guys are truly the amazing -
    “DYNAMO DUO “ and
    Pulled the best FAST ONE!

    “To the Miracle on
    Clarkson Hilton Road “

    Can’t even begin to explain
    How Thrilled we are and
    Thankful for this long - awaited


  5. WHAT!!!! Best Day Ever!!! So happy you are both home!!

  6. Welcome home!!! You were a mile away and I didn't even know it!!!

  7. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa for Team Ethan❤️❤️❤️❤️ Ya'll did it ! Thrilled for you!

  8. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  9. This is the happiest thing!!!! It makes my heart swell seeing all of you together. πŸ’•

  10. Welcome home!! This is what we all have been waiting and praying for. Stay well and keep kicking ass EthanπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š

  11. OMG! I can’t believe you guys are home...holy crap...this is the best post ever! I’m so excited and glad you are finally home!!! Oh Happy Day!!!!

    Ethan that is the cutest and sweetest promposal of all time!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

  12. Awesome Day!!!! Great newsπŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸ»

  13. Awesome Day!!!! Great newsπŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸ»

  14. What an amazing ending to a incredibly emotional journey. So glad you are both home ready to start the next chapter. crossed the finish line. You have won.❤️ Enjoy your victory to the fullest.

  15. WOWOWOWOWOW. What a journey your family has had!!!!! Keep Kicking Ass Ethan, don't let up!!!!! The Islands want to see you as well.

  16. This is crazy. Crazy good. Best surprise secret yet. The pictures...WOW
    So excited

  17. WOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!! YOU surprised us all. The reactions from Avery, Paul and Jesney are priceless. What a glorious day. We are beyond thrilled for you all. Your hospital and rehab chapter are officially behind you. The future looks so bright. xoxo

  18. Wow so excited to hear you guys are Home
    Welcome Home !!!

  19. Those pictures of you all made our day!!
    So happy for you all to be together this weekend!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. AWESOMEπŸ˜ƒπŸ‘πŸ’“

  22. YAY for all of you!! I just can’t believe it!! I hope the bathroom was clean πŸ˜‚πŸ€£!! Welcome Home❤️❤️!

  23. What a joy! We have followed your journey step by dramatic step, congratulations on being home sweet home.

  24. ❤️❤️❤️πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  25. Patty, I read your blog every morning and say an extra prayer! You and Ethan are super heroes! Welcome home...I thought sure there would be notice and a welcoming parade! Hi to your Mom, too. Helen Hoffman

  26. Jac and I are so happy to you and Ethan. You both have been thru so much and we are glad you are home. I can’t imagine what it feels like except the whole family must be on cloud nine. We will continue to pray for your family and don’t forget to continue your blog. That is part of our daily ritual. Karen

  27. Can’t seem to edit my comment but it was we are so happy for you and Ethan. Enjoy your weekend.

  28. Can’t seem to edit my comment but it was we are so happy for you and Ethan. Enjoy your weekend.

  29. Can’t seem to edit my comment but it was we are so happy for you and Ethan. Enjoy your weekend.

  30. OMG! This is the greatest bright spot in my day! I am so thrilled for you guys and I hope you had a marvelous night's sleep~

  31. Omgosh I am soooo happy for you guys!!! πŸ’œ

  32. Omgosh I am soooo happy for you guys!!! πŸ’œ

  33. Omgosh I am soooo happy for you guys!!! πŸ’œ

  34. This is the best news of 2021!!!


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